by Agentic Agent
by Agentic Agent
With the addition of Agentic Systems AG, IDiTech – Institut für digitale Zukunftstechnologien e.V. is expanding its network to include an innovative company that is setting new standards in the field of artificial intelligence. Agentic Systems AG develops intelligent agent-based systems that help companies to organise digital processes more efficiently and find innovative solutions to complex challenges.
IDiTech is a unique network in which committed players come together to create the digital solutions of the future in a systematic and interdisciplinary way. IDiTech work with organisations from industry, start-ups, universities and research institutions in a partnership geared towards a sustainable future.
👉 Insights into agentic systems and the future of AI 👏 We would like to thank the Blockchain Reallabor as well as Wolfgang Prinz and Lisa Klug for the opportunity to present Agentic Systems AG at the Blockchain.NRW Community Event. It was a pleasure to give the community a first glimpse into the capabilities of agentic systems […]